
DSC09771.JPGMy main interest is animal-plant interaction, especially seed dispersal and tree recruitment in tropical rainforests. I also studied the effect of climate variability on fruit productivity and seed dispersal in French Guiana, aiming at measuring how climate change may affect fruit availability for frugivores, thus, seed fate and tree recruitment in the long term. I have primarily focused my studies on the trees Carapa (Meliaceae, Mahogany family), which offer essential ecosystemic services for both nature and human beings in America and Africa, for wood and non-timber forest production (see Carapa akuri). My other favorite studied plant families are Arecaceae, Burseraceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Clusiaceae, Myristicaceae, and Sapotaceae. I am concerned about the sustainability and equitable use and fair trade market of non-timber forest products (e.g. Andiroba and Touloucouna oil). Among animals, my major studied animal chapitre1-image15a-Dasyprocta-punctata-pierre-michel_forget.JPGgroup is rodents, but I also have expertise in frugivores bats, primates, and birds. I am combining taxonomy and ecology in order to better understand how trees dispersed and radiated in both Africa and America. I have analyzed seed and seedling ecology in various forest types and conditions of perturbances (fragmentation, logging, hunting, and road). Currently, I currently work in overseas French departments (Guyane, Martinique). (Photo: top left: Carapa grandiflora fruit and seed from Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda; below right: Dasyprocta punctata on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. All (c) Pierre-Michel Forget). (Profile photo : (c) Reserved).



Ph.D. Supervisorship

On-going research programs

  • Suivi temporel de l’abondance et la diversité des vertébrés terrestres par pièges photographiques sur un gradient de pression de chasse, OHM Oyapock – OyaCam (LABEX DRIIHM)
  • Impact des activités humaines sur les communautés faunistiques de la forêt guyanaise aux abords de Saint-Georges-de-l’Oyapock (LABEX DRIIHM)
  • Développement d’une filière huile de Carapa en lien avec les populations amérindiennes de Guyane par l’association GADEPAM. (Projet soutenu par Office Français de la Biodiversité)

2004-03-22_18.33.41.jpg, janv. 2017Recent publications

Recent conferences, outreach, and vulgarisation

Alerte presse :

(Illustration : Le kinkajou (Potos flavus), un mammifère Carnivore de la famille du raton laveur (Procyonidae), dans un arbre yayamadou-montagne (Virola michelii, Myristicaceae) en fruit (3 janvier 2020) dans la forêt guyanaise. © MNHN – P.-M. Forget, E. Guilbert - UMR MECADEV.)


Exhibitions, knowledge sharing :

About our studies in the rainforest canopy

  • Forget, P.-M., and Guilbert, E. (2021). Rencontres au sommet de la forêt tropicale en Guyane. TheConversation [Online].
  • Psaila, P (2019). Enquête au sommet de la canopée guyanaise. Photo reportage
  • Picart L, Forget P-M, D’Haese CA, Daugeron C, Beni S, Bounzel R, Kergresse E, Legendre F, Murienne J, Guilbert E - 2014 - The CAFOTROP Method : An Improved Rope-climbing Method for Access and Movement in the Canopy to Study the Diversity. Ecotropica 20: 45–52. 

More information